
Teeth Whitening

This is how teeth whitening really works



Whitening does not damage or weaken teeth. These products are made from peroxides which creates an oxidation effect inside the tooth without any damage to the tooth surface. There may be damage if these products are used improperly.

Adolescents are advised to wait until the age of 14 before beginning whitening procedures. At that age, because by then all the baby teeth have fallen out and the permanent teeth have finished coming in;
the pulp of the tooth is fully formed, which means that the adolescent will experience less sensitivity with teeth whitening.
But teens who want a whiter smile should seek the advice of a dentist.

Make a previous assessment, where we will determine in what condition your teeth are, observe if they have gum recessions, cavities, gum disease, restorations, defective shims or that are in good condition.
To make whitening more effective, a good cleaning should be done before performing the treatment to remove all surface stains and irritants that can cause inflammation in the gum.
It is very important to know that if there are previous restorations made of resin or other material, these restorations will not change color with whitening so it is very likely that these restorations will have to be retouched in the future so that they remain the color of the teeth. and for this you must wait a week after teeth whitening.* It is very important to know that pregnant women should not undergo this type of procedure.

Some people who use tooth whiteners may experience tooth sensitivity.

This happens when the peroxide in the bleach goes through the enamel into the soft layer of dentin and slightly irritates the nerve of the tooth.

In most cases, the sensitivity is temporary but it can delay the treatment, or many times we have to stop the treatment and try it another time.

Overuse of bleaches can also irritate your gums, so be sure to follow the instructions and speak with your dentist.

Whitening does not work the same in all cases; bleaches may not correct all types of discoloration.

For example, yellow teeth are likely to bleach well, brown teeth may not be as responsive, and gray-toned teeth may not bleach at all.

Whitening will not work on veneers, crowns, or fillings. It will also not be effective if tooth discoloration is caused by medications or a dental injury.

All this must be taken into account.

Teeth can be whitened both in the office and at home, using safe concentrations of hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide.

The whitening agent used in the office has a higher concentration and is used for less time than the products for home use, and the whitening agents used at home need a custom splint to apply the solution and stay in the place we want it to be. act, but both are safe and effective for teeth whitening.

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